I'm sending loving energy to one of my biggest heroes, Larry. Happy Birthday!
You are such a brilliant and beautiful human being. I have never met a human being who has a heart as big as you and you inspire me everyday to be the person I am today. Please continue your powerful work because this world needs you. Shine on, even on the days when the sun doesn't feel close to you. We are connected and rooted in so many ways. The drum will always connect us and will always remind me of your incredible soul. Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know me because it did wonders. You give me hope everyday and inspire me to be an activist. Happy Birthday to you! :)I met Larry when I was an undergrad at college and was thrilled the first time we met over tea. We had some of the loveliest conversations and he gave me such insights into the beauty of life, and even love troubles, which I was having at that time. Larry was the biggest mentor I had at this University and I feel my life has changed for the better because of him. In this picture you can see we are both wearing smiles and drum necklaces. I will never forget the moment he gave me this necklace. I had spotted it before I received it and I remember thinking, "wow, what a beautiful drum...I wish I had one!" Haha. I didn't expect to be wearing one by the end of the pre-graduation graduation. I was saying goodbye to Larry before I went to the big commencement ceremony across the way. After taking multiple pictures together, he unwound a drum in his hand and dubbed me with it. I will never forget the tears in both our eyes. The moment of immense change coming in both our direction. Me graduating and Larry watching his loved-ones start a new chapter in their lives. It was truly bittersweet. It was in that moment that I realized that the kind love we have for one another overpowered any evil or bad in the world. I have experienced such moments in my life, but never one like this. My fear of growing up and graduating subsided when I saw the pride in Larry's eyes. He gave me courage, grace, and happiness the day of my graduation, and I couldn't have been happier.
I carry this drum with me, whether around my neck, or in my heart. Larry is a human being that you can't find enough words for because he defies language. I hope everyone has someone like Larry in their lives because you truly feel loved and understood. Such a mentor and person is crucial and I couldn't feel more grateful than I do right now.
I carry this drum with me, whether around my neck, or in my heart. Larry is a human being that you can't find enough words for because he defies language. I hope everyone has someone like Larry in their lives because you truly feel loved and understood. Such a mentor and person is crucial and I couldn't feel more grateful than I do right now.
I love you so much, Larry. Peace on you and your loved-ones!
Thank you, dear Hannah! I am humbled by your kind words, and your artful and beautiful writing and spirit. It is you who make the drum play out its lovely beats for justice and equity and love every single day. Keep on beating the drums for justice, special one!