Meet my dog, Volpe (vole-pay). Volpe's name means "fox" in Italian because he looked like a little baby fox when we got him, but also mixed with a bear. A lot of people mistake Shina Inus for foxes when they see them at first, especially the red ones.
Factoids about Volpe Age: 7 1/2
Eye Color: Brown (they look like raptor eyes)
Coloring: Black & Tan, but getting more white in age
Hobbies: Eating, Sleeping, Playing with his sisters, Nibbling his toys, Secretly (not-so-secretly) farting, Scratching his ears and smelling his foot afterward, Never obeying, Acting cute to get treats, Following his Mum around
Quirks: Scratching the fridge (and other home furniture) when he's hungry, Turning on his back when he's not ready for a walk and we are, Monkey noises when he gets riled up, A strange ability to eat a inhumanly amount of cheese, Letting anyone put hats, scarves, or glasses on him
Volpe really isn't like other Shibas I have seen or met. He is highly co-dependent at times, but can definitely be an ass when he doesn't want to be involved with humans. If the door is open for too long, he will flee and enjoy his 15 minutes of escapism; That is, until we lure him back with cheese. Volpe has an excess amount of chin, and it makes me happy everyday just looking at him.
More to come on Volpe, but for now, I will leave you with some videos I took this morning. I've been in Boston looking for work (which has been a success!) so he was really excited to have me home (my mom's house). He slept on the couch with me all night and took up too much space, per usual, haha.
And who would I be if I didn't leave you all with some tricks Volpe has mastered throughout the years? :)